Dear Central Family:

I hope that your week is going well. I want to take a minute and let you know what is going on in the life of the church. We have a lot going on, so make sure to read all the way through this.

  1. MATT’S ORDINATION  As you probably know, this Sunday in worship we will be ordaining Matt Nelson into the ministry. It has been a privilege to watch as Matt has grown into his ministry identity and approach during his time here. There are three ways you can participate in this meaningful weekend. First, during the service on Sunday morning, you will have a chance to offer up a short blessing of one or two sentences to Matt. You might want to think about the blessing you would like to give him ahead of time. Second, you can bring a side dish to the celebration of Matt’s ministry, which will take place after worship in Adams Hall. The church will provide the meat for the reception, but we do need sides. Third, there will be a card and money basket in Adams Hall as you enter. If you would like to show appreciation to Matt, and encourage him as he and Alice head to Denver, consider helping them as they make that move.
  1. SPRING SALE  The Spring Sale is upon us, and so is the Barbecue fund-raiser! Both are taking place on the 17th of March, which is less that 2 weeks away. Steve is still searching for quality items that will sell. He is able to go and pick items up, or to receive them here at the church, so if you have anything, please let us know.

Tickets are available for purchasing, now, and will be available Sunday after worship. If you think that you can sell 10, we have them in bundles, and we can sign them out, if you are willing to take responsibility for selling them. We also have flyers available, if you are willing to take them through the neighborhood, or to a community bulletin board. Our goal is to sell 300 tickets, so help us out!

  1. SUMMER MISSION TRIP  Both the Spring sale and barbecue fundraiser are intended to help us raise money for our summer mission trip. We have struck out with several places that we are hoping to go, but we are focusing in on a really nice location, that should be finalized this week. Much of what we will be doing is the same as last year, where we will be helping with painting, light construction, and yard work, as well as having our children visit nursing homes to sing and do crafts. If you think that you might be interested in going, please let me know, and please plan to be at the spring sale to help, or to the barbecue fundraiser. These fundraisers will help us cover some of the cost of going on the mission trip.
  2. TENEBRAE SERVICE   During Holy Week this year, we will be having a Tenebrae service, at 2 pm on Good Friday, March 30th. This is a very moving service detailing the events that led to Jesus’ crucifixion. I hope that you will make plans to be there, and to invite friends to our Easter service, on April 1.