From Sonny:  In case you didn’t have the opportunity to come to church or listen to the sermon on March 7, I said that starting March 8 at noon, I am going to take about 30 minutes, Monday through Thursday each week, to be in silent, listening prayer for the church. I am going to be in room 4, unless there are more than can safely distance, at which point we’ll move to the sanctuary. If you are unable to be with us in person, you are invited to take that time out at your house or where you’d feel closest to God.

Our goal is not to come with our agendas or to pray our agendas, but to quietly listen together for the leadership of God. I will offer gentle guidance to help you along, but our goal is to trust that by learning to listen, we will gradually grow closer together, and closer to God, and sense the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

As always right now, masks will be required. I hope you can make it to the church, but if you aren’t, but you are participating, please let us know.

UPDATE:  Four of us gathered in room 4 on Monday March 8 at NOON for 30 minutes of guided prayer. We will continue that daily for the next few weeks. We would love to have you join us. If you cannot in person, here is a guide for you to use at home. We’d love to hear from you:

  1. Be present with God – get an image in your head, whether it is a cabin, a garden, or on the beach (or make one up), where you can imagine being present with God. Imagine that the place is surrounded by love, and that you are perfectly safe. (5 minutes)
  2. Be present with each other – using that same image, broaden your circle to include those present with you. Broaden it further to include family members and close friends. Broaden it further to include the people of the church. Maybe they each have their own cabin in a village, or a garden next to yours.  At the end of this time, imagine that you can feel the love that God has for each of those people. (10 minutes)
  3. Be present with the church – keeping that feeling of God’s unconditional love, think about the church: the people, the buildings, the things we do together – our worship, our ministry, our fellowship. Be in tune with what God is feeling. What makes God joyful? What is God laughing over? What is God mourning over? What is God trying to show us? (6-7 minutes)
  4. Be present with the community – repeat the step with the church, but keep the community in mind – the buildings, the businesses, the people. What is God weeping over? What is God joyful about? What is God trying to show us in the community?

After you are done with this, spend some time reflecting, and write down your thoughts. Keep doing this daily, and see if you see a call, or a challenge, or an assurance, coming to you from God.

I hope to see all of you soon. Be on the lookout in the next week or so regarding our Easter plans!

