Central will be a site for vaccinations on Saturday March 20. If you know of anyone who has not been able to sign up for the shot but is eligible, please let them know. You may ask neighbors, friends, family from other parts of the state, even snowbirds. We can take up to 400 people that day, so help us to get the word out. Beginning Tuesday March 9, we will have word about the vaccination site on the church marquis, so reserve your appointment now.

We do not know yet which vaccine it will be, and our contact person said that she sometimes does not find out until a day or two before which vaccine it will be. The age restrictions have changed and the vaccine is open to anyone 60 and over.  They have a zero waste policy, so if there are extra vaccines available we will call a wait list to let folks know of available vaccines. If you have any other questions, or to schedule yours, call Gwen at the church office 385-255-2588.
