Dear Central Family,

I wanted to take a minute to let you know that the vote yesterday to sell the camp was 87 to 2, in favor of selling the camp.  A couple of things are important to remember as we move forward:

  1. Mr. Raser is meeting this week with Veterans groups, lawyers, and others, to make sure that a contract is in place, and we hope to move quickly with the sale of the property. He felt he could not move forward on his plans until he knew that the church was committed to this decision, and now he can.
  2. Arrangements will be made regarding the plaques, etc. that are out at camp, to make sure that our memories of the camp are still with Central. Further information will be forthcoming on them.
  3. I was grateful for what Holly Inglett said Sunday morning, speaking about the importance of our church camp in her family’s life, but also understanding what is necessary for the church. And I echo her thought, that she could not think of a better way for the camp to be dedicated to meaningful ministry, to be a place of healing for veterans. Yesterday was a good day, I believe, for our church to begin setting its course for the future, but I think we all understand that it was a difficult day as well, because of the history of the camp, and what it has meant to so many people. The trustees and I commit to being sensitive to this.
  4. Already yesterday, several people came up and asked what will happen to the money from the sale of the camp. We have an established process for the disposition of property whereby the proceeds are placed into the trust account. From there, the church leadership and committees will bring proposals forward for the church’s consideration at the appropriate time.

This has been a long process for us, and I am very grateful to all who have worked hard to make sure that we were presented with the right deal at the right time. Let us all commit to prayer for how God is leading us, and how we can best represent Christ in our community.


