I am writing to you on behalf of the trustees, who have instructed me to call for an emergency church conference on Sunday morning following worship. Quoting the by-laws: Special Business Meeting:”The Church may conduct  called special business meetings to consider matters of special nature and significance. A two-week notice to members must be given for the special called business meeting listing all agenda items to be considered unless extreme urgency renders such notice impractical.”

 The trustees received an offer to purchase the church camp last night, March 3, that must be approved by Monday morning, March 7, 2016, which makes the two week notice impractical. It is a financially viable offer, and the person will turn the land into a farm for veterans with disabilities. The trustees will be meeting on Sunday morning in order to finalize this person’s commitment. Please make plans to be there for worship, as well as informing people that you know who might not receive this email. Please make sure that you commit to pray for this proposal, as it greatly influences the future of our church.

Blessings to you, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
