January 18 Sonny’s Sayings

So I am sitting here at Starbucks on Thursday morning, and I have writer’s block. Starbucks usually serves as a source of inspiration for me. I watch the people go by, the incredible cross-section of people who come in for coffee, and as I think about them, I imagine...

January 11 Sonny’s Sayings

In my Tuesday morning Bible Study, I always begin by asking the question of where those gathered have seen the presence of God during their week. Almost inevitably, an answer will come related to the way someone has seen God in Creation: a sunrise or sunset; an animal...

January 4 Sonny’s Sayings

As we celebrate the new year as a church, I have become convinced that our mindset needs to be that of an organism, not an organization. An organization has one primary goal: survival through building and expanding its structures. It survives by maintaining these...

December 21 Sonny’s Sayings

And so the homestretch is here. By now many of us have already attended all of our Christmas parties – Sunday School classes, offices, deacons’, choir, family and friends, and so on. All of the parties and Christmas functions are important in that they remind us (some...

December 7 Sonny’s Sayings

So this morning (Thursday), I had a plan. I have several things to take care of, appointments to keep, and so on. I also had limited time to do them in, so I had made a plan for the order in which they would take place. But you know how God laughs at our plans. In the...

November 16 Sonny’s Sayings

I always knew that God had a sense of humor, but today it reaches a new level. The last Spiritual gift on Paul’s list in Galatians 5 is self-control. In some of our recent events, both from over the summer and more recently, I would imagine that people in our church...