Christmas Unplugged & Lessons & Carols

  Dear Central family: I just want to take one last opportunity to invite you to our special events this weekend. “Christmas Unplugged “is the special Christmas pageant that we have been working on this fall. We will perform it tomorrow night at 6 PM....
A Message from Sonny

A Message from Sonny

Dear Central Family, This last week, we talked about the Temple that David was seeking to build in 1 Chronicles 29 as a house for God, and the offering that was required to get the materials that were needed for its construction. We talked about the Temple that we are...

Volunteers Needed!!!

During Steve Lauxman’s absence due to injury, the church will be utilizing a janitorial service along with volunteers. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Ken Bryant (386-451-1023) Buildings and Grounds. Prayers to Steve for a speedy recovery.

Important Message From Sonny Gallman Regarding Church Camp

Dear Central Family, As promised on Sunday, attached is the ballot containing the recommendation of the church council, which met on August 25, last week. The Council has called for a church conference on September 14 to vote on their recommendation. We will have a...

Fall “Fresh Start” Wednesdays Starting August 20th

Fall Fresh Start – Wednesdays at Central It has become evident that our previous schedule of Wednesday events is less than ideal for families with children and youth as well as for working adults. Because we are primarily a church whose members drive 15 to 30 minutes...