Easter Lily Requests Needed by March 18

Anyone at Central who would like to order an Easter Lily in Memory or in Honor of someone may do so beginning Sunday, February 25. Each plant is a single stem in a 6 inch pot with a bow. The cost is $17 as in past years. All orders are needed by March 18.  See Gwen in...
Central Sermons

Central Sermons

Thanks to the efforts of a number of people, Central sermons are being video recorded and posted every other week.  The sermons can be found here on Central’s website or on YouTube.  Jason Surgent is taking care of the HD recording and processing and various...

Upcoming Events

UPCOMING EVENTS:       Feb.   4 12:00 p.m. Soup ‘R Chili Cook-Off, Adams Hall Feb.   6  12:00 p.m. Family Dinner Reservations Required 1:00 p.m.  Women’s Christian Book Club, Rm. 4 2:30 p.m.   Beginning Bridge, Marchman, Rm. 115 Feb.   7   5:45 p.m. Family Dinner...