Grant Application for Sabbatical Time

Dear Central Family: Many of you will remember that in the fall of 2016, we had some discussions and a vote around a proposal I was sending for a grant to allow me sabbatical time. While that proposal was not accepted, the vision and goals I set for that sabbatical...
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

UPCOMING EVENTS:        Mar. 30      9:00  a.m. Volunteers feed the homeless at North Street                    2:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service, Sanctuary Mar. 31    11:00 a.m. Memorial Reception for Jeramy DeVane, Adams Hall                  4:00 p.m. Youth Egg Hunt at...
Tenebrae Service – Good Friday 2:00 p.m.

Tenebrae Service – Good Friday 2:00 p.m.

What is Tenebrae? Tenebrae is a service designed to help us grasp the sorrow and horror of Jesus’ last hours.  It is called a “service of shadows.”  As we reflect on the final events leading to Jesus’ death, the sanctuary will grow darker and darker, making it a...

Message from Pastor Sonny

Dear Central Family, I guess I am going to be doing this every week for a while, so I thought I’d start out with a joke: Did you hear about the mathematician that was scared of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them… Hopefully that put a smile on your...