March 22 Sonny’s Sayings

I attended two funerals this last week. Two people that were probably very different, but also had a lot in common. Both of them had endured and fought through brokenness in their bodies, and both tried their hardest to mask the physical pain they were in because they...

March 15 Sonny’s Sayings

In our staff meeting on Wednesday, Gwen, Linda, Steve and I spent some good time reflecting on Psalm 107, which starts with the words found in the praise song “Forever:” Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King, His love endures forever. We reflected on the question,...

March 8 Sonny’s Sayings

I wanted to take a second and talk about a couple of things you might be interested in. First, the deacons met last week and talked about our need for developing an even deeper investment in the youth and their families at our church. We need to build fellowship,...

March 1 Sonny’s Sayings

When you look at our order of worship, it is broken into 3 important categories which describe an effective approach to worship. The first thing we do is we take some time to enter into worship. All of us come into the worship space with things on our mind: a...

February 22 Sonny’s Sayings

I was grateful the other week when one of the deacons reminded me that last year our focus was on engaging, the first part of our church’s vision statement: God calls Central Baptist to engage, encourage, and empower families and individuals to follow Christ. There...