August 3 Sonny’s Sayings

In the movie The Matrix, there is a scene in which the main character, Neo, finds himself in a computer program with his mentor, Morpheus. The screen is absolutely white except for their two characters. All of the visual constructs that make up life are taken away...

July 13 Sonny’s Sayings

This last week, I have seen the church family at its best. Families at Central have been grieving the loss of a loved one, and they have been at another family’s side after a traumatic experience. They have also attended the performance of the children on Thursday...

March 30th Sonny’s Sayings

You don’t know Jenee Woodard. You shouldn’t, because she lives in Jackson, Michigan. But Central Baptist church has benefited from her. Jenee runs a website called On that website, I get much of the biblical commentary that I use when I’m preparing...

Sonny’s Sayings – March 23, 2014

Sonny’s Sayings I woke up Thursday thinking that the day would not be as full as usual, because most of the family was in Orlando starting Spring break. I only had to take care of Austin, and he is usually very easy-going, so I was gearing up for a fairly relaxing...

Sonny’s Sayings March 16

“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.” That great quote is from Thomas Aquinas in The Imitation of Christ. In essence, he is saying, “stop trying to fix other people, when you can’t...