July 6 Sonny’s Sayings

The other night, I was watching one of the reality competition shows that we like to watch. You know how these kinds of shows go: different performers dance or sing in front of judges, who are looking for certain things or movements. Melissa got done working three...

June 29 Sonny’s Sayings

In The Spiritual Life, John Westerhoff and John Eusden write: “Our primary orientation cannot be an institution or some great cause or even other people, but first and forever to God. Unless our identity is hid in God we will never know who we are or what we are to...

June 22 Testimony By Jim Page

My Experience With Suffering When asked to share with you my experience with suffering, my first response was, “I think you are asking the wrong person because I don’t think of myself as one who has suffered.” There are many members of this church who have experienced...

Sonny’s Sayings June 22

As Baptists, one of things we should have some confession time around is the fact that we are pretty non-committal and indifferent when it comes to the Holy Spirit. We are people of the Word, so long as the Word pertains to God the Father and Creator, or Jesus, God’s...

June 15 Sonny’s Sayings

We are going to be spending time together this summer working on learning to love one another better than we have been as a church. You will hear more of a report soon about the work of the Dawnings team that is working on visioning and next steps as a church, but let...