Farewell for Linda Pigott

Linda Pigott is retiring from her many roles at Central after more than 25 years.  She is assuming a new role as Grandmother to Nixon Gordin Pigott born on May 14 to Gretchen and Daniel.   Linda’s last day will be Friday May 31.  She’ll be back for a ...

Linda Pigott Announces Retirement

At the end of the worship service on Sunday May 5, Linda Pigott announced her retirement after more than 26 years at Central. Here is the letter she read to the congregation. LindaPigottRetirement...

Eggstravaganza at Central on Palm Sunday

At the Easter season when we talk about death and resurrection, the egg is a wonderful symbol of life. Dyeing them the many colors of spring is always fun. Central children experienced this last Sunday. They used a new technique for dyeing the eggs using bags of rice...