
About Central Baptist Church

1955 River Baptism 
(News-Journal June 25,1955)

In 1955, our charter members chose the name “Central” for the new church because:
“Its CENTRAL purpose will be to present Jesus Christ and His Gospel as all together and abidingly adequate for the deepest human needs;
– because our CENTRAL purpose is to help and not hurt,
– to serve rather than be served,
– to release rather than bind,
– to save rather than condemn,
– to forgive that we may be forgiven,
– to give rather than get,
-to lose our lives that we may find them . . . ” 

From its beginning Central Baptist Church has developed creative community ministries for changing lives.  Equipping its members with sound biblical study and prophetic preaching over the years Central developed a community wide treatment center for alcoholics, an expansive childcare facility, low-income community housing, and a camp for kids and adults. 

Today Central hosts programs of Christian education for all ages, a counseling center, grief support groups, the oldest Boy Scout troop in Florida, food ministry for those in need in the community, and much more.




Our Vision


What We Believe




Weekly Worship Bulletin


“The Herald” Monthly Newsletter