About Central Baptist Church
In 1955, our charter members chose the name “Central” for the new church because:
“Its CENTRAL purpose will be to present Jesus Christ and His Gospel as all together and abidingly adequate for the deepest human needs;
– because our CENTRAL purpose is to help and not hurt,
– to serve rather than be served,
– to release rather than bind,
– to save rather than condemn,
– to forgive that we may be forgiven,
– to give rather than get,
-to lose our lives that we may find them . . . ”
From its beginning Central Baptist Church has developed creative community ministries for changing lives. Equipping its members with sound biblical study and prophetic preaching over the years Central developed a community wide treatment center for alcoholics, an expansive childcare facility, low-income community housing, and a camp for kids and adults.
Today Central hosts programs of Christian education for all ages, a counseling center, grief support groups, the oldest Boy Scout troop in Florida, food ministry for those in need in the community, and much more.
Our Vision![](https://www.centralbc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/LarrisaAdamsBaptism2-scaled.jpg)
What We Believe
Weekly Worship Bulletin
“The Herald” Monthly Newsletter